Membership Information

You have selected the Affiliate membership level.

The price for membership is $50.00 now.

Membership expires on Friday, October 31st, 2025.

If making a donation, let us know if you would like to request a specific use for your donation.

Account Information

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Affiliate Profile

The information in this section is what we will use to share your information with anyone who looks at our Affiliate Page (both members and non-members).

This is the name listed on our Affiliate page.

Please format as 123-456-7890 for consistency in the Directory.

eg Workshops; Patterns; Educational resources; Fabric, tools, notions

Member Information

The information in this section is only shared in the Member Directory (available to members only).

Please format as 123-456-7890 for consistency in the Directory.

What data should appear in the Member Directory?

If no option is selected, all data will be included by default

Billing Address