SFQG General Data Protection Regulation Policy

The Guild is committed to protecting our members’ contact data.

This policy was drawn up on August 1, 2018 on behalf of the Board of Directors (“the Board”). This policy is aligned with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and is subject to periodic review and update by the Board.

Data is collected by the San Francisco Quilters Guild (“the Guild”) under the supervision of the Board. The data collected includes the name and contact information of each member (“member” is taken to mean an individual member or an affiliate organization) of the Guild, whether they would like this information to be displayed in the Guild’s published Directory, and their year of joining the Guild.

The data is only used by authorized members of the Guild carrying out activities approved by the Board. These may include, but are not restricted to, distribution of email or printed newsletters, and eligibility to enter meetings. The data is shared once annually with a printing company to produce the printed Directory. The data is not shared with any other third parties.

Information is stored electronically while the member is “current” (i.e. they have paid a membership for the current year) and for a period of three years after membership lapses. Printed Directories are kept by the Historian and Librarian and form part of the permanent historical records of the Guild.

Members have the right to have all details, other than their name, excluded from the Directory. They also have the right to update their contact information and name online at any time by logging in to the Members Only section. Members wishing to have all their information deleted from the online database can request this via email to the Membership Chair on the understanding that this will immediately terminate their membership and no refund of fees is possible. It is not possible to remove a member’s name from the printed Directory once it has been printed.

Anyone with a complaint concerning the use of their data can contact the Membership Chair or any other Board member by email (or letter) at any time. Complaints must be in a written form to be acted on. The Board will review the complaint at its next suitable meeting and a representative will respond via email within 30 days of that meeting.