- You must use at least half the items in your challenge bag in a way that shows on the final project.
- You may add items from your own stash or from the free table, but try not to purchase anything new.
Projects completed and featured in the December Sew & Tell will be entered into a drawing for a $50.00 gift certificate.
June Meeting – donate UFO’s & orphan blocks.
July Meeting – Mystery Bags available for pickup. We request a $10.00 donation for the first bag taken and $5.00 for each additional bag.
December Meeting – Sew & Tell show and drawing of final prize.
If you cannot attend the meetings, but still want to donate or participate, please contact Maren Larsen.
Why donate? Clean up your sewing space, eliminate guilt for not completing it yourself, see your work completed in a way you didn’t expect, possibly help the Guild raise money.
Why take a bag? For FUN! Be part of a group project with a limited time and size commitment, use those brain cells by challenging yourself to finish a project you didn’t begin – try a new color combination or technique, win a prize, participate in the December Sew & Tell, help the Guild.