Quilt Categories
All quilt entries need to be associated with one of the following categories. You can choose whether to have your quilt judged on the entry form and we always encourage people to tick the box. The Judges’ comments are confidential and can be a great help in your development as an artist.
Traditional Pieced
Features “pieced” block formats and may also include medallion styles. Can be based on historic designs made from commercial patterns or reproduce well-known designs with traditional construction methods and craftsmanship. Made and quilted by self or quilted by other. All sizes.
Quilts with an aesthetic inspired by modern design. May include use of bold color and prints, high contrast and graph areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space and alternate grid work. Note: Quilts in contemporary fabrics but with traditional composition should be entered in the Traditional or other more appropriate category. Original, made and quilted by self or Non-Original quilted by other. All sizes
Includes either machine or hand-layering of fabric where the quilt’s primary focus is applique. Quilted by self or other. All sizes
An exploration of a concept using such techniques as textile manipulation, color, texture and/or mixed media.
- Original: Work must be original to the artist and must be quilted by same.
- Non-Original: Work can be either Abstract or Pictorial and can be quilted by the artist or other.
Please mention your inspiration and intent in your art description which will be read, if judged, to the judges. Quilts will be judged 60% on design, and 40% on workmanship. All sizes.
Other Techniques
Quilts, both original and non-original, in which technique is the main focus, such as photos, whole cloth, paper/foundation piecing, heavy embellishment, painting, crazy quilts, etc. (No yoyo, knitted or crochet quilts please.) Quilted by self or other. All sizes
Quilt is made and hand quilted by the sewer. All sizes
Group or Bee or Round Robin
Quilt made by two or more people. All sizes. (In the case where multiple members have contributed to a quilt, this counts as one of the entries for only the originator of the quilt rather than as an entry for each member involved.)
A quilt completed by a Junior Member, 18 years or younger, in any technique and in any size. (Note, not a category for a quilt made for a child.) Junior Member application details can be found here.
Items that can be worn. As well as ribbons for Wearables, additional ribbons will be awarded for Upcycled garments.
Challenge Quilt
While not strictly speaking a quilt category, this has been included here for completeness. A 20″x20″ quilt inspired by this year’s theme “Songs of The Beatles”. More details available here. These quilts are not judged.
Ribbons for First, Second, Third and Honorable Mention may be awarded in each category. In addition we award special ribbons for:
- Best Use of Color
- Best Original Design
- Most Whimsical
- Best Embellishment
- Excellence in Handwork
- Best Use of Recycled Materials
- Judges’ Choice
- Viewers’ Choice (voted on by attendees at the show)
- Best of Show
- Quilts and garments made after April 2019 are eligible for show entry.
- The judges reserve the right not to award every ribbon in every category.
- Many entries will fit more than one category. We ask you to make the selection. If any entry seems wildly out of place the show committee and judges reserve the right to re-categorize quilts and combine or eliminate categories as needed
- Participation ribbons only will be awarded to all Youth Quilts and they will not be judged.
- Challenge quilts will not be judged.
- Non-judged entries will be categorized and exhibited with judged quilts, by category. Non-judged quilts will be identified as “non-judged” on signage.
- Quilts included in Special Exhibits are not judged and are not eligible for ribbons.